Android Mobile App for Media 'Barhopps' –
Social Networking App
Client Brief
Client came to us with a requirement of developing an Android application for social networking site Client wanted to enable the end users to check his/her friends' location, search nearby bars and offers, make new friends by searching for other application users near, upload new pictures and browse friend's picture/video/audio, book a taxi, create/view events and invite friends to the event, send messaged to friends, view friends activates etc.
Our Endeavor
According to the client’s requirement, we have created the Android application which provides a platform for the users check his/her friends location, search nearby bars and offers, make new friends by searching for other application users near, upload new pictures and browse friend’s picture/video/audio, book a taxi, create/view events and invite friends to the event, send messaged to friends, view friends activates etc. We have added functionality where user can sort the bar results based on location, date, events, type etc.
Once users will select a bar from the result list, it will show all bar details i.e. address, contact details, offers available, drinks, friends at the bar etc. we have implemented abilities so that users can update his/her location and check his/her friends location on Google map. Users can search for friends and make new friends by searching other application users nearby and can share contact details. We have used dolphin Boonex web-service framework for social networking site to fetch the dynamic application content and used GPS integration for getting users current location and sort the data on basis of the user location.
More or less, the app has the following features and functionalities:
- Search
- Barfeed
- Dashboard & wall
- Hopps
- Media
- Call a cab
- Checkpoints
- Swap
- Friends
- Notifications
- Messages
- Settings
Now let’s get into the application details:
- Clicking on the application icon the app splash screen will appear which will lead the users to view the homepage of the app. Users can search bars, band and friends. This allows the user to view the bars by Geo location or a specified location.
- Users can edit their data on their profile page, while they can also visit profiles of other users and can view and comment on the visible contents. Finding, adding and deleting friends are also possible.
- “Hopp Events” is an option available on the app that allows the users to find latest happenings in an around their place. All the info about social gatherings of nearby places will be available here.
- A picture and video section has been implemented where users can post images or videos. They can even delete them whenever necessary.
- The app allows the user to view taxi and limo companies by geo location/specified area.
Bottom of screen would allow the user to view following tabs:
Home page: Tap and user will back to home page.
Notifications: Users can view number of notifications and drop items. The app will allow users to view new notifications and it will display all the notifications and dropped items (if they are at a bar that has dropped items).
Checkpoints: Users can view checkpoint notifications and checkpoint based on Geo location and a specified area. Viewing new checkpoints will also be easy on this tab.
Messages: Users can view messages notifications and to access the messages.
Friend Locator: The app allows users to view notifications of friend located in the same bar and user would allow other user to view all of the friend’s location. Users will be notified of friends at the same location and the users friends would be notified as well. Users can also view all friends’ locations (as long as the friends have posted a location. If the user is in the bar the app will display the user’s friends that are at the same location before friends that are elsewhere.
Search Bar Screen: Keyword search of the following items has been facilitated:
Bar Feed Screen: This tab displays the bars based on GEO location (default). Feeds would be displayed real time.
Search filter: Allow user to filter the listing by
Bar Types
Bar hosting events
Date Filter
Default is current date
Media & Entertainment
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