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ASP Dot Net CMS Website for Travel 'Great American Restaurants'

Client Brief

The client wanted us to develop a CMS from where he can manage 13 other websites of various restaurants. The admin was expected to perform various tasks with a varied range of permissions.

Our Endeavor

A simple admin panel has been developed by customizing a CMS. Please look at the following details to get an idea about the inherent functionalities:

Technical Details of the CMS:
  • Uses ASP Forms Authentication for users and roles
  • Uses HTTPS
  • Windows Server 2008
  • IIS 7.5
  • ASP.NET 4 (Ideally in ASP MVC 3)
  • SQL Server 2008
  • Browser compatibility with:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox 4
    • Safari
    • IE 8

Structural Details:
  • A single CMS manages 13 restaurant websites where admin will login.
  • User/Admin administration with 5 different roles of varying permissions.
  • Viewing gift card orders (with PayFlow Pro API).
  • Viewing contact form data.
  • Customized CMS look.
  • Text and image upload & editing.
  • CMS delivers mobile and desktop content from a single source (no data duplication).

Roles and Permissions for Admin:
  • The admin is having one area for content editing, content will be pushed to both mobile and desktop through the backend.
  • Admin can add and delete users through an interface.
  • Admin can assign roles to users.
  • There is a reset password dialog for admin with 5 other different roles.
  • Overall the admin has the ability to see, access and change everything.

When an admin log-ins into the system he/she can access the following areas to manage the restaurants:
  • Menus
  • Brewery
  • Homepage & gift cards
  • Community Partnership
  • Join Our Team
  • General Info
  • Our Story
  • Leadership
  • Locations
  • Directions


The website communicates via a simple JSON API.  The API contains simple methods for retrieving content for the different sections of each website.  The methods return simple un-styled HTML. The un-styled HTML content is styled by the CSS stylesheet respective to each website.  This way content that is the same for multiple GAR websites can be styled differently without storing multiple copies of the same content.




 ASP Dot Net CMS Website for Travel 'Great American Restaurants'

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