Event Management Web Application for 'Basset
Capital' Using Dot Net
Client Brief
The client came to us with a requirement of developing an event management web application that would allow entry of deals and events with reporting functionality and also mange the settings.
Our Endeavor
The web application basically manages events (of any kind) that need to be organized. The events that are to be held are fetched from a third party API- Viagoo. Users can create a particular deal and add the live events in the deal through excel import by specifying the event ID. Details like total tickets sold of a particular event are fetched from the API and stored with particular deal.
After completion of event there is Transaction Import Section where the events are imported from excel and the Tickets Sold with currency and the same is updated in the events section and user can export all the details with events in excel. Users can then add how many tickets were sold in that particular event from the upload functionality with unique event ID. There is another section where all currency prices are manged as everyday for particular email. The currency rates are fetched and stored in the application according to the dates.
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