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iPhone Mobile App for Activity Tracking and Feedback 'ATFT'

Client Brief

The client approached us to create an Activity Tracking and Feedback Tool (ATFT) allowing users to create and track activities for themselves and/or for others. The ATFT will also allow users to view feedback on activities of themselves, their team and organizations.

Our Endeavor

Let’s just get into the details of the app right away:
Activity: A field in the system that will have some type of tracking method associated with it. 
Checklist: A set of activities saved together and which may be marked as complete (which marks all activities associated with it as complete as well)
Event: As defined by the user, an event will have at least one Activity associated with it.
Goal: Specific data that an individual, team or organization may establish as a target for achieving or for measuring activity against.
Members: Applies to a team setting. Members are people (either registered users or not) who have been associated with a team. 
Organization: Any entity that has multiple teams associated with it. 
Team: A group of people (may or may not be registered users of site) as defined by a registered user (a coach, manager, etc.). 
Overall Description
We (humans) track a lot of behavior. Things we have done and things we would like to do. The vast majority of what we do is done with no recognition at all that it was done. Whether big or small activities, most things are accomplished and quickly forgotten. We cannot remember what we have done, which means we cannot appreciate what we have done.
With all the technology that exists and all the information that is available today, we (humans) still find it incredibly difficult to develop new habits, feel good about ourselves, and feel productive and fulfilled in our day-to-day lives. 
The Activity Tracking and Feedback Tool (ATFT)will give every user the opportunity to capture all of their activity in one place and in context. Every action is taken and recorded, and every action planned, but not taken, contributes to the overall record for each user, whether operating as an individual or part of a team or organization.  
The feedback provided by the ATFT will serve to inspire, motivate, and guide users to more meaningful and fulfilling lives. This product can be used by; individuals, teams, and organizations that want to perform at a higher level. 
System Interfaces 
The ATFT system to be developed is a “Software as a Service” program that is accessible via the internet. 
There are four different access points for using the system: 
User interface – any user who has a standard browser can access system
Administrator interface – any user who has a standard browser can access system
Database interface – allow Positive Pursuit employees to access and manipulate database
 Server interface – allow Positive Pursuit employees to access and manage instances of product on remote servers 
User Interfaces 
The User and Administrator Interfaces must provide a user interface that is available via the major web browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari). The database and server interface may be provided separately via other means to be determined in consultation. 
Hardware Interfaces 
All components must be accessible via any PC (Windows or Mac) or major mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Droid, Blackberry). 
Software Interfaces 
While the ATFT will serve as a standalone product, it will also be important to have many API’s to ensure easy integration with other sites that users may be used to track activity. Exact API strategy to be determined, but first API should allow for integration with Evernote. 
Communication Interfaces 
Not clear what the best options are here. Key factors = speed, security, and reliability (up-time).
The operation of the user and administrator interfaces must be very user-friendly and will most likely go through several iterations as we receive customer feedback. There should be no need for training or help in getting going with the system. The system should require no technical skill for the user or the administrator to effectively use.
Site Adaptation requirements
Each instance of the program should be adaptable to the environment in which it is being used. This means turning over control of many elements of the site the site administrator for any client. Sites will be flexible enough that administrators can change the look and feel as they like, add and edit content, turn modules on or off. Effectively we are providing a content management system of sorts, which allows organizations to use the pieces they want to use, within our overall architecture.
Product Functions:
The two main functions of the system are to allow users to track any variable they would like, for themselves or for a group, and for all users to have access to detailed feedback on their own information in the context of other data in the system (theirs or larger group).
Users will have the ability to create their own actions, determine how these actions will be tracked and create checklists, events, teams, and goals.
The product will also have communication tools built in, including an internal email system, social networking tools, and various alerts. Additionally, there will be a customized recognition system built into the system. This will include allowing users to achieve specific levels as they use the system, earn badges for different activities and other methods that will be determined.
At the front end, data will come into the system either via manual entry by the user or via a system integration with another site or device. Once the data is in the system we will provide unparalleled access to reporting that will contextualize all user data in a broader scope.
From an individual perspective, the site will provide real-time feedback on how they are doing with the things they planned on doing as well as checklists for staying on track with what they want to e accomplishing. Users may weight various activities so that they may receive points for completion (one activity may be worth 3 points, while another is worth only 1, etc.).
From a coaching or managerial perspective, the system will be used to outline specific behaviors (may or may not be via checklists) and to track compliance, recognize performance and guide teams towards achieving goals that may be defined in the system. Ultimately, the program will allow tracking of any activity and will allow that activity to be reported upon within the context of any set of data as defined by the individual generating the report.


iPhone & iPad

 iPhone Mobile App for Activity Tracking and Feedback 'ATFT'

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