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Drupal Website for NGO 'Playgroundideas' – Playground Service

Client Brief

The client approached us with a requirement of developing a community based website that can provide sponsors and donor to pay for building playgrounds in their local community which will improve the education and well being of children through training and resourcing communities to build beautiful and safe playgrounds.

Our Endeavor

Playground Ideas (beta.playgroundideas.org) aims to improve the education and wellbeing of children by building beautiful and safe playgrounds. The website is offering a platform to the sponsors and donors to contribute ideas as well as monitory helps to bring the projects into reality.

We have used Drupal CMS to build the website which has all the primary aspects including User Registration, Password Management, Managing Profiles etc. This also facilitates the sponsors or organization to advertise them. We have integrated the extended search facility for added projects, companies; organization etc. jQuery and Ajax are also used in almost all the sections in the website to make the GUI of the website more user-friendly. Integrated the customized Google Map where the map contains custom designed info bubbles. We have also added YouTube and Picasa video gallery in here. The PSDs were shared by the client and we have converted them into HTML, making sure the website proffers smooth navigation and accessibility.


Features and Functionalities of the Site:

  • Registration & login page: Users can register with the site by entering the following details:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Username
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • Recaptcha
    • widget (to verify user as human)
    • What are you looking for? What do you need?
    • Terms of use and I agree box (This is mandatory to proceed on registration)
  • Profile page includes inline personal information fields, Google Map (with marker to the location and information box) in which locations will get update using AJAX after saving the inline form. Also multiple sections updates with the updated information for the below mentioned fields:
    • Name
    • User image
    • Email (From registration. Private. Shows as a button which goes to contact form)
    • Skype name
    • Location
    • My Plans
    • About me
    • My Projects(If added any or “Add Project” Link)
    • My Organization(If created or “Add Organization” Link)
    • My Companies (If created or “Add Listing” link)
    • My designs (If added or “Add Design” Link)
    • Volunteer Location (If added or “Add a Location” Link)
    • My Internship (Edit Link to internship form)
  • Add/edit project page includes dynamic Image/video gallery, Inline editable fields like Status, Facts, Donate (Chipin Script from old website), Location (Google Map), Disqus API script(from old website) Accordion Tabs [Description, Organization, Plan description and Budget] Which will update through AJAX on the page simultaneously. Displaying Design element at the Bottom of the page which has been added to the project. The following fields are required for Project Add/Edit page.
    • Project title (with Project By link to the user who created the project and the project status)
    • Status (Listen, Plan, design, build, maintain)
    • Facts fields (current funds, number of children/ beneficiaries etc)
    • Chipin fundraising widget ( Chipin Script from chipin website added by user)
    • Project Description
    • Organization Description
    • Plan Description (Budget[Shopping list, materials total, labor total, tools total etc])
    • Google map Location
    • Disqus API script
    • share button widgets from sharethis.org
  • Company listing page contains five different listing which will be selected from this page.
    • Platinum Sponsor (Which is a static page with a contact us form and this will responsible for sponsor add in the header section and main add in the company search result page)
    • Gold listing page (Which is a dynamic page containing image gallery, more than one Google map(limited to five maps), and inline fields for general information and description) is edit/update through AJAX. It will be responsible for smaller sponsor adds in the search result page of company search page.
    • Philanthropist listing page is same as gold listing page with less data
    • Standard and Basic Pages contains the inline editable fields.
    • All these listing goes to payment with moneyscript and then to a blank form while adding.
  • How do I do it page would be able to provide five steps to show the information in the accordion tabs which will be added through content types in Drupal backend.
  • Each five steps are in different colors to represent different status. There is also link for manual and Help me. When a user downloads a manual a popup appears to ask for paypal donation.
  • Browse projects page would provide the functionality for browsing projects which contains multiple filters (Locations, Need volunteers, needs funding, status) which will be used while searching for specific projects. There are two buttons "Find Volunteers" and "Apply". On clicking of Find Volunteers this will go for a listing page containing list of volunteer locations.
  • Find equip results page is a dynamic Drupal page which is responsible for displaying the search result for company based on the two filters. A button which link to Company listing page. This page also shows advertisement banners and basic user listing boxes.
  • Playground designer tool page will as per the designer tool page in existing website which needs to be integrating to this website.
  • Books page is a basic page for which the entire page content gets generated by Amazon script. The script will be embedding to the page from the old existing site.
  • Links page is a basic Drupal page containing external links added from Drupal backend CMS through content types. Also there are buttons for downloading PDF files which can be added from backend.

  • Multilingual Functionality: We have installed and integrated of Drupal multilingual contributed module in the website as per the design (module will be taken from existing old site).
  • Add/edit organization page is for adding the organizations as per the form fields provided earlier in an email. An inline edit of the organization for page will appear for the admin user or logged in user and on saving the form will show the updated information.
    • Form contains image gallery,
    • Google Map
    • Disqus comment section
  • Organization page is a page for Listing of added organizations with search functionality based upon certain filters. Clicking on any search result item will take to the respective organization detail page.
  • Job, tenders, conference page will contain an resource board form with given form fields where user can add jobs, tenders, conferences and competitions which will then appear at the resource board home page displaying these four sections of jobs, tenders, conferences etc.
  • Donate page is for donating to the playground projects. This contains three types of buttons for the donation.
    • PayPal button (goes to PayPal website for donation and tax deductible goes to WRA donation page)
    • Donate direct (goes to community play ground list page and the filter bar will be automatically set)
    • Cluster project (This will go to cluster project static page)
  • Research page is a basic page containing number of links which goes outside of this website. It will be managed through a content type where the links can be added by admin.
  • Gallery & videos page this will a page which displays embedded YouTube videos added from backend through a contentype. The four boxes under the main video will be iframes and will be inserted by the admin from the backend.
  • Newsletterarchive page is a basic page displaying all the links for newsletter which were added with their respective date with categories. Clicking on the links will be taken to their respective page.



PHP, Drupal

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 Drupal Website for NGO 'Playgroundideas' – Playground Service

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