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Success Aero: Fuel Management Website Development Case Study

calender 10 May 2022

“SynapseIndia developed centralized fuel management system website using PHP Zend for UAE-based aviation company Success Aero.”

Web design and development is constantly changing, with online technologies and solutions evolving almost continuously. Having a team of web development experts with decades of combined industry knowledge makes the difference between a website that works! SynapseIndia is a leading web development agency that has been in business for over years. Our award-winning web design, development and custom coding team has helped hundreds of businesses create an online presence that produces results. Here, we present our one of the successfully delivered project named Success Aero an aviation industry and fuel management website.

Who is Success Aero?

Success Aero is an aviation company based in the United Arab Emirates that offers a wide range of services including ground handling services, worldwide flight permits, crew support service, travel planning, flight, aviation safety, delivery and diversion support, aircraft maintenance, fuel services, etc.

Since their launch, they have become world leaders in the commercial aviation industry. An international travel assistance company focused on providing excellent service for the success of the trip. Whether you use your team for standby accommodation or flight planning, the difference is in the details and that's exactly where they focus.

Success Aero provides excellent services and guarantees a pleasant and hassle-free travel experience. Furthermore, success is a result of their dedication to providing high-quality, personalized travel support solutions for their clients.

Project Goal

The client was looking to develop a centralized fuel management system that Success Aero personnel can access, view orders, customer details, aircraft details, aircraft personnel details and consequently provide fuel supply to the respective aircraft. Success Aero currently provides fuel support to more than 500 airports worldwide.

The customer was receiving fuel supplies from various suppliers at various prices and at various airports that will need to be managed centrally. The system was also required to interface with a variety of fuel suppliers globally and manage inventory across locations, identify price margins, and much more. So, the client connected with SynapseIndia to get the best solution for his requirements.

Our Endeavour

We have a team of experienced developers who have worked on this project. Our developers build the solution with the below-mentioned main modules. Get a quick look:

1.     Aircraft and Fuel Release Management System

Success Aero employees can manage information related to multiple aircraft scheduled at different locations. Staff members in different locations can view details related to the fuel that needs to be provided to different aircraft. Staff members can update aircraft fuel release and can view upcoming aircraft reports, fuel requests, aircraft details, flight crew details, etc.

2.     Supplier Management and Contract Management

Success Aero currently connects its customers with more than 100 aviation fuel providers around the world. The module offers CRM-level capabilities in vendor management within the Success Aero fuel management system. The system also provides contract and document management capabilities, thereby capturing the agreements between the supplier and Success Aero. The solution also connects with multiple providers through API integration to get the latest fuel prices across multiple locations.

3.     Management of Quotes and Prices

This is the main module of the project, in which Success Aero manages the pricing of different types of fuels in various places and various suppliers. The system is integrated with over 100 providers, including API-level integration with large providers and XLS-based integration with smaller providers. The prices are handled differently according to the different providers, these prices can be daily, weekly, 10 days, etc.

The system allows Success Aero personnel to filter the location, type, and amount of fuel. Staff members can check fuel prices, calculate prices based on margins/commissions, and send quotes to customers accordingly. The system also allows price negotiation. The system also provides the ability for your staff to include fuel from different suppliers at different prices. Upon customer confirmation, the order is placed in the system and the system creates an agreement and stores it in the customer's CRM system.

The system also provides web services to different aviation management companies to access real-time fuel prices offered by the Success Aero system and a third-party aviation management company places fuel orders through web services.

4.     Location Management

Success Aero currently offers aviation fuel at more than 500 airports worldwide. The module allows Success Aero head office to define and manage locations, define hierarchy and role of staff members across multiple locations, staff member contact management.

5.     Customer CRM and contract management

Success Aero supports over 3,000 nurtured customers each year. The module allows customer information management, contact management, contract/agreement management. The module offers a number of reports including order history, aircraft fueling history, and prices charged based on prices from different suppliers.

Overall Experience with Success Aero

With every website development, we start with the basic schematics to build the structure of the site. Then, once it's approved, we move on to the website mockup. This process may include actual images, colors, and customer impressions. But sometimes mockups are built with dummy text to better show the design we're after. This was no different with Success Aero. However, there were some interesting additions that our developers made for this project.

A very positive experience that we will take away from this project was working with this client. He was quick to respond and always gave us feedback as we updated the site. It was great to have someone like that on the client side, helping us along the way.

The End Result

The new website was a success! We and the wonderful folks at Success Aero are very pleased with the final product. It's something we are proud to have worked on and something Success Aero deserves. Our team of website developers learned a lot from this project, and we will definitely carry it over to the next one.

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