Working on this project, we used PhoneGap technology to develop the app. The app allows customers to view deals and filter the list and redeem.
We added different functionality to allow users do following -
- Login using their Facebook account.
- View a map with their current location and list of deals around them on the home screen.
- View all the deals on the map which would be displayed based on the type of filter they selected.
- Filter the deals based on categories listed on the application and specific location.
- Filter the deals by newest first and based on popularity
We added suitable functionality to allow admin do following -
- Login to the web-based backend panel by entering their unique username and password.
- Create an account for an advertising company.
- Manage account of an advertising company and app users.
- View the details of customers who redeemed the coupons.
- View the graphs that would be created for the advertising company