PHP Website for Education 'PRMIA' – Risk
Management Education
Client Brief
The client approached us with a requirement where he wanted us to do some enhancement in his existing websites The company provides a free and open forum to promote sound risk management standards and practices.
Our Endeavor
The Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA) is a non-profit professional association, governed by a Board of Directors directly elected by its global membership in around 206 countries. The project is about the maintenance and development of the website where users can register themselves on the website and purchase different items such as handbooks (digital and printed version), online courses, exam vouchers, DVD for lectures etc.
The project was basically about developing a system such to help users to get registered with to become members. The website has both free and paid members. Depending upon the types of membership, the users are being facilitated with different abilities.
Apart from the end users (paid or free), the website also possess an admin who can see the list of users registered including who among them are paid, and who are free. The admin can download the purchase details in an excel sheet for later references. Managing the event section also comes under the admin responsibilities. Managing members and searching members is also easy from the administrator’s part. “Movable type” blog has been integrated in the app. The blog content can be updated by the admin, and registered users can post comment on them.